Rob Harris joins the Marketing and Production team at AGT to support Victorian growers.
Victorian Growers Receive Targeted Support From New AGT Marketing Manager Rob Harris

Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is pleased to announce the expansion of the Marketing and Production team this month, with Dr Rob Harris being appointed as the new Marketing Manager for Victoria.
Rob commences immediately as the primary contact for all AGT Marketing and Production activities in Victoria, giving Dan Vater and James Whiteley the opportunity to provide increased service delivery in South Australia and southern New South Wales respectively.
With projected growth in business activities over the coming years, AGT is looking to recognise the importance and diversity of Victoria to the cropping sector, as well as facilitate more focused service delivery to Victoria, southern New South Wales and South Australia.
Rob is from Dunkeld on the southern edge of the Grampians, and has spent many years working for the Victorian Department of Agriculture on research agronomy projects. Rob comes to AGT with a very strong technical background and has a great knowledge of Victorian farming systems as well as established relationships with grower groups, agronomists, researchers and farmers.
“I think my background in crop research and growing up on a mixed cropping livestock farm in north east Victoria helps me understand the challenges faced by farmers, and where AGT varieties are best suited to help lift farming business profits,” said Rob.
“I also recognise the importance of seeking industry feedback to understand the requirements of future varieties, to help meet grower needs across a diverse range of Victorian cropping environments. I really look forward to being a voice for farmers in Victoria when setting plant breeding priorities at AGT into the future.”
Victoria is an important cropping state, with almost 3.5 million hectares planted to broadacre winter cropping each year, producing in excess of 6.6 million tonnes. The diversity of the cropping regions in Victoria presents opportunity for Rob to work more closely with grower groups and farmers on their specific cropping requirements.
Recent introduction of high performing varieties Beckom, Cutlass and Scepter have been a welcome addition to the range of varieties that Victorian growers can choose from, and within the next 5 years AGT will have an even wider portfolio of varieties on offer through Victoria, due to the increase in efforts into long season and winter wheat, and barley breeding.
Rob will be supported by both the Wagga Wagga breeding centre, primarily providing advanced genetics in long season and winter wheats and medium to high rainfall environments and the Roseworthy breeding centre, continuing their focus on main season wheat genetics suited to the low to medium rainfall environments.
Rob can be contacted on 0429 576 044 or